Art That Makes Us Cry

This page doesn’t cross-list all my various posts about the visual arts (which you can find by using the “Categories” on the right side of the main page), or all the artworks that I’ve sometimes used to accompany points about other things. Rather it’s intended to highlight the beautiful works that I’ve featured here, especially art that make us cry, or that examine the experience of crying. (I know, sometimes they are even funny, like Elsa Dorfman.) If you have more suggestions, please send them my way, and I’ll add them to this list. What visual art makes you cry? Or evokes powerful emotions?

Jason deCaires Taylor, Vicissitudes and The Silent Evolution

Cindy Sherman

Diego Velázquez, Juan de Pareja

Vivian Maier

Elsa Dorfman

Robert Shetterly, Americans Who Tell the Truth series

Louise Nevelson, Dawn’s Wedding Feast

Mark Rothko

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